Wednesday, September 30, 2015

All those lies

I feel like am getting used to those monologue I was once looking for and they were all from famous movies which I liked. But I find out the difficulty of this monologue which did not appear on the first one. This monologue is not my word. I did not speak for myself in this monologue, I must play as someone else as a roll. This monologue is getting form the Movie Quiz show after all the conspiracy show up in the front of people. 

When I first get this monologue that was long, about 2 min. I delete a bit makes it about 1 min, but I also change a lot of word that I feel hard to pronounce. I am glad about those changes which makes the monologue much easier, but I miss remembered the first line a lot, which makes me feel like I always want to came up some line I just delete. I was sick during Friday which makes lost my last chance about try out, I spend losts of time tried to rememories those thing. Actually my finally is also my first version, but I feel this one is more like myself then the first monologue I made up myself.  

But the character is not that hard to became. In this monologue I try to do a motion about someone whos lie just been expose. I try to makes myself be guilty, so I look down a lot, but at that time I do not know its too much. Like the most people else of course I lied, and luckily most of my lies just died in peace, but when you lied, you take the rick that someone may notice that was a lie some day. There were many times my lies has been expose and notice by people, and when I feel guilty I also know people will always move on some day, so I feel kind of release at the same point. But the character was lying to the whole American which is kind of unforgivable and will be remembered for a lone time. 

I also have many thing left to inprove, which like some time I am always looking down and I will stop and feel bad when I can not remember my line. Luckily I made myself feel more confident and believe the audience would not notice that I can not remember my line. Also as a student who use English as my second language I feel a little bit hard to remember and understand the dialogue in English and the pronunciation in English. I also see this monologue as a big improvement because I was new for acting and I feel myself did feel better when I spoke. I feel more nature and relax, not like after the first monologue I was sweating a lot and my hands was shaking. I feel I will keep feeling better this year and I assume that I can keep my nature in the future. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Final Monologue II with video

I would give almost anything I have to reverse the course of my life in the last year. The past doesn't change for anyone. But at least I can learn from the past. I've learned a lot about life. I've learned a lot about good and evil - they're not always what they appear to be. I was involved, deeply involved. I lied to the American people. I lied about what I knew and then I lied about what I did not know. In a sense, I was scared, scared to death. There was one way out and that was simply to tell the truth. It may sound simple to you, but I've found myself again after a number of years. I've  been acting a role, maybe all my life, of thinking that I've done more, accomplished more, produced more than I have. I have flown too high on borrowed wings. Everything came too easy. That is why I am here today.

Monday, September 21, 2015

In class Writing.

The monologue was created in 1994 in a film called the Quiz Show. 
The character was the one who win the Quiz show in TV and he got defeted by a young collage professor unexpectedly which makes he think that the professor already knew the answer of all the questions. This monologue was happened right after he has been defeted and he thinks that the the company which run the entire Quiz show want to makes a new TV star so they give a good looking professor the answer. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015


I would give almost anything I have to reverse the course of my life in the last year. The past doesn't change for anyone. But at least I can learn from the past. I've learned a lot about life. I've learned a lot about myself and about the responsibilities any man has to his fellow man. I've learned a lot about good and evil - they're not always what they appear to be. I was involved, deeply involved, in a deception. I have deceived my friends, and I have millions of them. I lied to the American people. I lied about what I knew and then I lied about what I did not know. In a sense, I was like a child who refuses to admit a fact in the hope that it will go away. Of course, it did not go away. I was scared, scared to death. I had no solid position, no basis to stand on for my self. There was one way out and that was simply to tell the truth. It may sound trite to you, but I've found myself again after a number of years. I've been acting a role, maybe all my life, of thinking that I've done more, accomplished more, produced more than I have. I have had all the breaks. I have stood on the shoulders of life, and I've never gotten down into the dirt to build, to erect a foundation of my own. I have flown too high on borrowed wings. Everything came too easy. That is why I am here today.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Some thought after finish the first monologue I ever made

About that who am I monologue actually I did not do very good. At first I felt like I made lots of grammar mistake and I put too much useless information in one minute monologue which I did not wan to talk about or something that not nessurary to talk about for examples the idea about why should I study aboard and how did I noticed about the difference between two nations. Most of them are simply personal ideals. I thought that point which about mt nationality was a point that makes my monologue better. I feel like this makes me become the sign that I made up for myself which is strange. Most people do not really know difference nationalities in China will make how much difference but it was huge that divide the whole country into 56 parts, and a different nationality will become a sign of how I was difference then others. 

When the first time I perform about my monologue I wanted to delete my family part but I am glade I keep it after all. A family which almost all the member has experiences that about study aboard is not normal, but as a kid in the family which almost everyone has the experiences who did not know why he choose to study aboard in more strange. Although I did not explain it after all. 

I feel that my weakpoint is when I did something wrong or I mispronounce a word I will suddenly feel extraordinary nerves and scared, I will keep looking down try to make myself remember what was I once write or just cut down the entire monologue and say I did some thing wrong When I can not well remember it I feel the same nerves which makes that I wanted to move around or just keep looking in some point that can avoid peoples vision, and my face will still look like the same which did not show how strange I was. I tried to convince myself that I was new to doing some acting and performance but I still was not able to control my nerves.

I did not pick the next monologue today and I may want to choose some monologue with some serious monologue because that I do not think I am well prepared for the humorous thing. The new monologue maybe the is the bird in the cage in The Shawshank redemption. Which was about losing someone who has to leave. I choose that because I had same experience which let me easy to understand and remember the monologue. I may try a humor monologue this time but I am not sure I will do it as my draft or not. I felt like I was more a serious roll person instead of a actor that could easily play any roll that was need them to play. After all the only thing I was near the acting was the hand with the digger in the bone chiller show.  

Friday, September 11, 2015

Acting is a new thing for me.

In acting class we learn a lot of knowledge about acting this week. As the first to join an art class, specially acting, I feel it was difficult to learn because I was not an acting person and I did not know any of those skill or the rules about the acting, all the acting experience was came form last years spring and at that time I was an stage crew. The class was start about two weeks and I feel better to receive and act out. When the first time I join drama and become a stage clue I feel acting is not that hard and when people acted I saw them making mistakes. Which makes me feel acting is easy and fun. It is fun indeed but not easy as I think, first I did not know the simple rules in acting, in the begging I alwayse speak not loud enough and turn my back to the audience even when I made some mistake in my dialogue I will say Oh I made a mistake.

Emotions is important in acting. But I may not a emotional person, my face always look like the same or only make small changing and when I was tiring to make another face, it will look fake. I am tiring to get more improvement on it. In my monologue I tell too much not useful information and the one I want to deleted was the one that audience most favorite one, which about my family. For the same reason I think my English is not good enough form the acting and I should spend more time on the wording and the performance. But a strong emotions will let audience feel what the character once feel, I think the good way to portend that to have a emotion is produce one form yourself that you face and action may look neutrally.  

We did not do much on movement in the class, although we learn a lot. And also because the class is too small to move a lot. Movement is important in acting which will makes a performance like a real life not just reading the dialogue. I did a lot of movement in the class and most of them are because I was nerves, which is very bad because that will tell the audience that I am nerves and not confident enough. And another mistake I made about the movement is I was always looking down which makes I can not make eye connect with those audience. 

What I learned in this class? A lot. I learned about how to act which is important to act or enjoy a show. If I had a chance to join the drama group this spring and I may choose the stage crew again, not because I can not act, but I just love my place. And I will ready to be an actor in the drama some day. But for now the important thing that I learned is how diffcuilt an actor is and how to enjoy a show.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Hi my friends. I am Jack, from China a 11 gader in Cheshire Academy.As we all know there are many chinese student in CA but not like everyone else,first i am manchurian, a different nationality, and I am not that positive as others. I was born and raised in a family that all my parents  and grandparents was studied abroad in the big bother of communist china the USSR, so they were very interested in another country and culture. And you know what? I did not know why I came to study in US, I used to made 1000 reason that may explain why I choose US or why I want to study aboard. if we forget those useless reasons, the idea of study abroad may just came in my head when I was 7th grade.I was kind of silenced and I may called myself a thinker. I do not want to play outside with my friend and keep everything in(to)myself.But I am strange should not effect how I made friend or my daily life. So I am Jack, not as the same nationality as other chinese students, and I call myself as a strange person.

Monday, September 7, 2015

who am I

Hi my friends. I am Jack, I born and raised in the capital of Qing dynasty(although they change to Peking after they capture the entire country) Shenyang in 1998. My parents has just been though 10 years of chaos, which called the culture Revelation of China so I am the only child in this family. My parents all been study Russian and my grandparents used to study aboard in USSR which makes this family is very interesting in other cultures. I did not know why I came here, I used to made 1000 reason that may explain why I choose US or why I want to study aboard. But that idea may just came in my head when I was 7th grade. Form that days which the country is developing I learned how terrified those chauvinist are. I loved my country but I used hate those people. That hate may give me the courage to follow what I was once think and choose to study aboard. For now, I am just a student who follow my dream, but I may planned something bigger in the future. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

blog 1

                                                         About my self

My name is jack Shi, I am a high school student. It’s my third year in high school and I want to introduce myself as the first blogging of my junior year. As a high school student the first goal of mine is got the offers of those collage I want to go to, which I have already made a lone list which been thought many changing and delete. But this goal is not the only thing I need to do in my high school life. I still want to try something that I never before. Like I tied fencing which was a sport that I never heard or seen before. 

People always has different identity, this is what makes people different and make them alike each other at the same time. A high school student should not become the only identity in my high school life, I am also a friend, a performer, a “important” stage crew, a family member and a boyfriend. Those identities makes me learn to take responsibility and also be realistic. There always some people will say that be realistic is not a good thing, even that was a bad thing. But I define the realistic as “stop dreaming but keep hope.” I learned to set my goals in some place that I am able to touch in a hard way. I may talking a lot about every identity I may have, but my point was this is what I think as a thinker.

The first I be in involvement in drama was last years’s fall, I become a stage crew who was an apprentice of Jack Jack, I did learned a lot form him and the play. I know a stage crew is also import

ant in a show. I lucky also be join as a  part of the show by control some mechanical device.

I assume that I could be a good friend. As a friend I will try my best to be reliable and honest. Sometime the truth that I obtain may be hurt but they still have the right to know the truth. A friend also will they their best to support on his friends to do something right and stop them form mistakes. I may not foresee something that happened in the future but I still want to give them the idea what I assume will happened and how should we do something right.

A athlete is something that I am not good at although I did my best on every thing I tied. I may say I am a bit lazy or week on the body level. I am a fencer in my high school and I think this was what I did best. I love sports when I was a kid, but as I grow up I was most interesting in something which is more gentle and quiet. That makes my life keeping sports away form few years. And now I will try my best to pick up what I had left behind. 

As a family member, a son, in my family I am the first kid who study aboard although my grandparents were came back form Russia. They give me their experience and teach me the knowledge what they once learned and they all hope me to matriculate into a good collage. 

So according all those are my rolls and what I did or once missed in my life. As a realistic person, this is all I want to introduce about myself.