Monday, October 19, 2015

Blog 7

Something about my improvement in acting. 
I never thought that the end of the quarter was coming and I am already studying for acting for such long as a beginner. I was wish to prepare myself for the drama play sometime and I felt like I wish to work as a cruel member who will understand the play a little bit. I start to feel I love be a roll in the play since I played the hand which hold the knife. It was nice to feel involved in a play. 

I feel like I learned a lot form the acting which I did not know while I was a cruel member. I was start to learn the stage of a play and some knowledge which like always face the audience. Form those knowledge I understand that acting was not just pretend you are in the same Situation that the character in, but need a lot to let the audience believe you are in the same situation. Which was totally difficult to act a lot not normal act and feel normal and nature. I also learn that the mistake is unavoidable which should not influence the play and the act. The audience did not read the script which means that they will not know you did something that was not on the script but they will notice if you stopped. 

We did a lot of impervious during the class, when we did not have enough to time to prepare a full script. That skill was totally new to me, I always wanted to make plan before I start to do something and if I did something without the plan I will feel unsafe. But when we made mistakes or something going out of the order during the play, impervious was a important skill to have. I still remember during the second play of bone chiller the rope was once twine with the safe cable, we did a lot to untie that and that was took long. Andrew was shot at Jack about come and help, which give us a long time to untie he rope and the audience will never knew that something was went wrong here. 

After all this time I learn a lot about acting which was totally different then I expect when I was first came to this class. I still feel happy to involved into all this and although I am not ready for an actor yet but I believed that I will got to that point someday.  

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