Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Scene for New Project

NO INTENT Written by Chad Schnackel & David Dalton Pages: 2+ Characters: Jonathan, 18+, Testa, 30+, Detective Synopsis: Detective Testa finds Jonathan in the basement of a warehouse huddled down in despair over a death he caused. Testa is forced into a "suicide-by-cop" situation. Permission: This script may be used for educational purposes only and may be produced, filmed and videotaped as long as writers and are listed on title credits. Mock Sides, Volume 2: Original Scripts for Workshop Actors Copyright © 2011 INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT DETECTIVE TESTA walks slowly through a basement gun drawn. He stops suddenly when he spots JONATHAN leaning against an old brick wall, gun in hand. Testa holds his gun up. DET. TESTA Jonathan, put the gun down. Jonathan is rocking back and forth. He shakes his head no. DET. TESTA Jonathan please, put the gun down. We can work this out. Jonathan laughs. Tears in his eyes he looks up at Testa. JONATHAN I can’t do this anymore. Testa leans down closer to Jonathan. DET. TESTA Look, we know it was an accident. You didn’t mean to kill her. JONATHAN You think that makes me feel any better? She’s still gone. DET. TESTA I know, but there was no intent. I can talk to the judge and... JONATHAN I don’t care what a judge has to say! She’s still dead and nothing is going to change that. DET. TESTA I know it won’t. But this isn’t the way. JONATHAN Maybe not for you. Congratulations Detective, you got your guy. You’ll make the headlines. You know what I get? DET. TESTA What? Mock Sides, Volume 2: Original Scripts for Workshop Actors Copyright © 2011 (CONTINUED) JONATHAN I get to see her face every single time I close my eyes. Right before she died she looked right through me. Her face is burned in my mind. Testa shifts. DET. TESTA The memories will eventually fade. You still have your life ahead of you. (beat) Give me the gun man. I can help you. JONATHAN How can you act like that!? How!? (beat) She was your sister man. Testa loses it. He stands up and points the gun at Jonathan. DET. TESTA Don’t you think I know that?! Do you know how many times I thought about killing you? JONATHAN So why didn’t you? DET. TESTA Because I know you loved her. Deep down I know that you would never hurt her. It was an accident! Yeah it sucks but life sucks! JONATHAN I don’t want to live anymore. I can’t. DET. TESTA Jonathan, we’ll get through this. I promise. JONATHAN That’s not good enough. DET. TESTA I don’t know what else to tell you. Jonathan’s face changes as we can see his intention forming, then he suddenly pulls his gun up and points it at Testa. Shocked Testa pulls his gun up and fires. Mock Sides, Volume 2: Original Scripts for Workshop Actors Copyright © 2011 (CONTINUED) DET. TESTA (While he shoots) Jonathan NO! Jonathan slumps against the wall. Testa goes cold. He shakes his head. He turns and slowly walks away. FADE TO BLACK.

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